The Genius of Modern Man

We are creatures of comfort. It is one of the things that separate us from the lower life forms. This characteristic compels us not to settle for the status quo. This mindset has taken us to the moon. It has also brought us from the darkness of superstitions to the light of science.

Man’s genius is not only evident in the gadgets that we see today. But you can also witness it in the modern political machinery that exists today. These things and ideas would have remained as figments of our imagination.

We often marvel at the ingenuity of an MSAT G2. It is indeed astounding how this technology can connect people who are several miles away from each other. For that, we should tip our hats off its creator. This time let us acknowledge the brilliant minds throughout the centuries.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Let us start with the man who revolutionized politics. His work scandalized his contemporaries. It still shocks modern man. But The Prince forces us to recognize several truths about our civic leaders and humanity itself.

Some historians say that The Prince is technically a job application. Machiavelli tried to shower praises on the young De Medici ruler. But his efforts came to nothing because the young duke banished him from Florence. In the book, he states that people bring gifts to curry favor. Just like them, he brings with him his knowledge.

We know little about the childhood of Niccolo Machiavelli. But we are aware that the Church ruled every aspect of life during his time. His book shunned all conventional thinking about being a good ruler. The Catholic Church banned his work because of this.

He presented the idea that leaders must sacrifice their values. They have to think about the good of the majority and not just his. To illustrate this, he compared an effective ruler to a fox. He said that the leader must be cunning.

In the past, many people think of him as evil incarnate. But historians and political scientists see him as the father of realpolitik. His works do not only benefit the political operatives. But it can help ordinary blokes how to be ahead of the game. In The Prince, Machiavelli pointed out that the end justifies the means.


Women’s rights point us to the current debate on abortion. But in the past, women merely wanted the chance to speak their voices. With this, let us tip our hats to the suffragettes. They are the women who fought a highly misogynistic society.

The legal rights of women started with a bill created in 1865. Sadly, many parliamentarians voted against it. Its author published an essay defending his law. Whether his treatise brought women together, notable British ladies signed up in support of the proposal.

An amended law met the same fate. Almost two hundred parliamentarians voted against it. Earlier that year, another forward-thinking politician and his like-minded friends created The Manchester Society for Women’s Suffrage.

Their cause caught national attention when a few members disrupted the speeches of Sir Winston Churchill. These courageous women preferred to go to prison than pay fines. Unfortunately, they turned to violent tactics to get people to notice their movement. They even led a brawl in 1914.

The first World War made things better for the suffragettes. They willingly took on roles traditionally led by men. Their efforts bore fruits when the parliament passed the Representation of the People Act 1918. This law finally allowed some women to vote.

Sir Isaac Newton

His law of gravity and motion forged the modern world. Although several brilliant minds developed the heliocentric model before him, his treatise helped us understand the planetary movement. It guided other scientists with their works.

Sir Isaac Newton was destined for a quiet life. His mother wanted him to become a farmer. Thankfully, he got into Trinity College, Cambridge. As a student, he buried himself in the works of Aristotle, Descartes, and Galileo. A few years later, he developed calculus.

Before the decade ended, he was elected as a Fellow in Trinity. King Charles II gave him dispensation to be a fellow even if he was not an ordained priest. The king exempted him from the rule to have more time for science.

In his twilight years, Newton turned to religion. He sent a written argument about the New Testament to his friend. The government rewarded him with positions and a seat in the House of Commons. Queen Anne also made him a knight.

Brilliant minds created the modern world. They might argue with one another. But the results make our world go round. We should be grateful for their contribution.

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